6 years is a learning and turbulent age. The child starts preschool class and gets to feel really big. Therefore, it is not uncommon for mood swings to begin to occur. They want to choose what to eat, what clothes to wear and when to go to bed. Children who are 6 years old are often demanding and have a strong will.
Toys for children who are 6 years old
As the child develops, so does the game. That's why it's important that the toys do too! Toys for children who are 6 years old can have many uses and it becomes important not to limit play. The child uses play as a tool in early development and through it they can create understanding and learn new things about themselves and their surroundings.
We differentiate between physical development, cognitive development, language and social & emotional development. Different toys have different uses!
Physical development when the child is 6 years old
Children who are 6 years old develop their gross motor skills every day. They slowly but surely learn to climb trees, swim, ride a bike and wheel. The body grows quickly and it can sometimes be difficult to control one's movements. Therefore, the child must readjust their balance. There are many toys for children who are 6 years old that help the child readjust their balance. Roller skates, footballs, jump rope and stick horses are just a few examples.
Fine motor skills for children aged 6 are mainly about smaller and finer movements. They can build with small parts, sew, snap buttons and tie shoes. Children at this age begin to draw in more detail and can carve simple things together. They have a strong will to create and want to see results in their tinkering. For example, you can use carpentry toys, clay, beads and weaving toys. Micki has good toys for children as young as 6 who practice fine motor skills.
Cognitive development at age 6
Children aged 6 starts to have more abstract thinking. They are interested in the clock and understand how time, days and seasons are connected. The child understands the difference between past, present, future, short and long time. They can sort between bigger, biggest, smaller and smallest. At the same time, their memory develops and they can recognize things they have seen.
Good toys for 6-year-old children are, for example, dollhouses and games such as the couronne game, figures and cars in different sizes or memory games to train the memory. Even things that show time and date such as calendars and clocks can be good to use in the game.
How Micki develops toys for children aged 6 years old
As a product developer, there is a lot to think about when developing new toys for children who are 6 years old. For us, it is important that the toys we develop are fun to play with, but also that they support the child's developmental phases.
What should the child feel when they play? What experiences should they have? Our Design Manager Anne Avgrim explains more:
- Making products that strive to be with and support the child in the natural stages of development but that also challenge the child's curiosity has long been our focus. If we can also make the child want to play longer and to discover new things with the product the further they get in their development, that would be fantastic! says Anne and continues:
- Working more focused on this particular theme has strengthened our products so that they can support and guide the child in their development even more, which felt important but also fun and playful!