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Couronne - Here's how to play it

Couronne is a simple form of billiards for 2-4 players. A simple and fun game for all ages. Here you can read how to play it.


Generally, Couronne is played by 2 or 4 players. Before you start – place the pink and blue
rings in the circle in the middle of the playing ground.


Draw lots for colours. Pink chooses side and blue places oneself on the opposite side of the playing ground. These positions to be kept until the game is over – you are not allowed to play from any other position of the playing ground.


You are two teams of 2 persons, one pink and one blue team. First, draw lots for colours. After
that, draw lots for first respectively second player in the teams. Pink team chooses side and blue
team places themselves on the opposite side of the playing ground. These positions to be kept
until the game is over – you are not allowed to play from any other position of the playing ground.
Pink team’s first player begins. Then, play clockwise in turn.



All rings of the own colour to be knocked down in optional corner pockets. The player, or team,
who first manages to do this wins.

Every team has one knock ring at their disposal. When it’s your turn you place the knock ring on
the start line on your own side of the playing ground. The line to be seen through the hole in the
ring. The ring mustn’t touch the round corner fields. The frst (pink) player knock it with the cue to
split the pink and blue rings in the middle out on the playing ground. Aer that you have to
choose a ring with your own colour that can be knocked down into one of the corner pockets.
This to be done with the knock ring correctly placed on your own start line. Same player is allowed
to continue with a new knock after having knocked down one of the own colour rings into any of the
corner pockets. The knock ring is always to be placed on the start line before a new knock. The
angle between cue and start line to be at least 45°. All knocks must be made in forward direction,
from the own side of the playing ground.
If one of your own colour rings is placed behind your own start line, it can only be reached by the
knock ring being knocked from your side over to your competitors side and back to your own side
again, and behind the line to knock the ring. You are allowed to knock down two or more of your
own rings in the same knock.


  1. If you knock one or more opponent rings into a corner pocket together with one or more of your own rings: The opponent may assimilate his/her own rings and may place one of yours in the middle of the playing ground.
  2. If you knock one or more opponent rings, but none of your own, into a corner pocket: The opponent may assimilate his/her own rings. You loose the right to next knock.
  3. If you knock down the knock ring into the corner pocket: Pick up one of your own rings and let the opponent place it in an optional position in the middle circle. You loose the right to next knock, even if you at the same time have managed to knock down one of your own rings into the corner pocket.
  4. If you knock the knock ring outside the playing ground: The opponent may choose one of your rings to pick up from an optional pocket and place it in an optional position in the middle circle. You also loose the right to next knock.
  5. If you knock one of your own rings outside the playing ground: The opponent place it in an optional position in the middle circle.
  6. If you knock one of your opponent’s rings outside the playing ground: If 4 play, the ring to be placed in the round corner field which is closest to the place where the ring left the playing ground. You loose the right to next knock. If 2 play, the opponent place the ring in an optional corner field on his/her own side of the playing ground, which makes it easier for him/her to make a winning knock.
  7. Special rule when 2 play: One of the opponent’s rings is allowed to deliberately be knocked close to or behind the opponent’s start line at most four times. On the fifth time you will be punished. You must take the ring/rings you have knocked in this way and place it/them in the most advantageous position for your opponent in the circle in the middle. Irrespective of the other outcome of your knock you will loose the right to next knock. If 4 play everything which makes it more difficult for the opponent is allowed, of course without breaking any other rule.
  8. More than one of the above rules and punishments can be of use at the same time, depending on the outcome of your knock.


  • Only the knock rings can be touched with the hands. The only exception is a ring that needs to be picked up as a result of a punishment. A ring standing on the edge is not allowed to be moved. It’s the same for a ring laying on top or leaning against another ring in any way.
  • The only knock ring allowed on the playing ground is the one in use. If a corner pocket gets full and rings bounce back – empty the pocket.

  • Since pink player always begins, blue player will make the last knock. If pink finishes first, blue player will have one more knock to go before the game is over. The result may be even.

  • You are not allowed to make any new knocks after last ring is knocked down. Thereby the game can not be made more difficult for the opponent when you are finished.

  • Couronne can also be played by 3 players. One person will play for two and alternate between the two sides of the playing ground. Otherwise, same rules as when 4 play.

Have fun and good luck in playing Couronne game!